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Thursday, 16 November 2006
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Holly & Keith Awarded Doctorates

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It is not often that one family has four members who have doctorates. It has happened with George's family where in addition to him and Leela, doctorates were awarded to Holly and her husband, Keith. Keith was awarded his doctorate, in Geography, on July 1, 2009. The focus of his thesis was on farmers' markets. Holly received hers, in Psychology, two days later on July 3. The focus of Holly's thesis was on eye movements and the reading of young children.

Bill Bryson, the Chancellor of the University of Durham awarded Holly & Keith their doctorates. Bryson gave a light-hearted, self-depracating speech that went down well with the audience since it was a contrast to the usual solemn addresses that are typically given at such occasions.

George and Leela together with Keith's parents, Derek and Valarie were present on the happy occasion as were Zinzi and Milo. Zinzi was besides herself with excitement since she wore a sari and bindhi that Leela had brought from Kerala after their recent sojourn in Kerala.

Everyone went for a dinner that evening to celebrate the happy occasion.

Holly has a post-doctoral fellowship for two years at the University of Oxford and Keith something similar at the Open University. In both cases, they will devote their time solely to research. They are well settled in a place right in the middle of Oxford and enjoying their lives there.

Congratulations to Holly & Keith from everyone in the family on their achievement! . . . . . . .

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