In trying to find a suitable title for this blog, I checked out a lot of sites – including a blog that was started by someone wanting suggestions from readers as to what he/she should name the blog! I settled on “Reflections, Ruminations & Recollections” because it captured what this blog is about. It is not a snazzy title – I am leaving it to my kids, and especially Neeta who is probably the most creative one, to come up with something that has more pizzaz!

One does have to be careful when coming up with a name or it could lead to unintended consequences as is only too apparent in these actual domain names.

I am sure the people responsible for some of these kept the names despite the room for misinterpretation!

Who Represents provides the name of the agent who represents any celebrity. Go to

Experts Exchange is where programmers share their expertise at They apparently had a fair number of inquiries from people wanting a sex change so they hyphenated the name to read!

If you need a pen you would, of course, go to the Pen Island at

In this tough economic climate a site like Therapist Finder has a role to perform. Just go to

How about which believe it or not is “under construction” based on a google search! It apparently belongs to Italian Power Generator company.

There are a couple of others which I omitted because they were a shade too bawdy especially for a first posting!

So, what’s in a name? I guess a lot if one is not careful!!

7 Responses to “What’s in a name?”

  1. saira says:

    Hi papa!

    I liked your first post…and I enjoyed scrolling through your pictures as well!

  2. Vivek says:

    Very funny Rana A!

  3. saira says:

    If it’s going to be Rants, Ruminations and Recollections, then it should be Rana’s Rants, Ruminations and Recollections…just to keep with the alliteration theme.

  4. Neeta says:

    i like your first post, papa!

  5. TJ says:

    Thanks – Saira, Vivek and Neeta – for the encouragement as well as your thoughts on the title for the blog! Neeta unless you come up with something pretty dazzling for an alternative title, I’ll probably just stay with this one!

  6. Peter says:

    Good stuff Rana, and you are such a pro! You prolly would have made waves with your skills if you had been in IT! I’m way after the fact…but will check more often.

  7. Rory says:

    An excellent and informative read – thanks! Rory

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