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Thursday, 16 November 2006
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Deepali Stahl Makes Her Debut

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Congratulations to Saira & Richard on the birth of their daughter, Deepali who was born on June 6, 2008 at Reston Hospital in Virginia.

All of the pictures on this web page were taken within the first hour of her birth.

Image Deepali weighed in at 7lbs 14oz and was 20 inches in length. She has a full head of almost jet black hair and appears to have inherited the famous (or infamous) Adangapurathu nose!

Everything went very smoothly - in fact, so smoothly that in the final stage of labor just before delivery, it was touch and go whether the obstetrician would actually make it in time for the actual birth! Image Deepali's birth gives DJ his first sister and so it was very exciting for him. Everyone in the family knew the gender of the expected infant. However, the name Saira, Richard and DJ selected was a closely guarded secret until her birth. Even the grand-parents and uncles and aunts were not privy to the selected name. Saira & Richard said that they were keeping it a secret because they did not want to be influenced by the opinions of others in the name they selected.

Image Rana & Amit were with Saira & Richard through much of the day and DJ joined them after his school ended - a few moments after Deepali's birth. Peter and Shiny came to the hospital with Sarah and Emmy later that evening.

The consensus of opinion is that Deepali has features of both parents.

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