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Thursday, 16 November 2006
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Holly and Keith Wed

The Happy Couple
Image Congratulations to Holly and Keith who were recently married in Dublin.

The marriage ceremony took place in the garden of Keith's parents (Derek and Valerie) house in Dublin. and was attended by immediate family and close friends who came from Manchester, Durham, Glasgow, Dublin, Texas and New York. The marriage was conducted with panache by Holly's fried Nic, who is also a solicitor.

Keith was given away by his mother and Holly was given away by her father who was somewhat distracted by his grand-daughter Petra who chose that moment to creep under his chair and indulge in some antics as he proceeded to give his toast/speech which cited Khalil Gibran. Keith's father, Derek, gave a toast/speech using material from an Indian sage.

Image After the wedding ceremony, everyone proceeded to a nearby restaurant owned by acquaintances of Keith's parents who served some delicious fare and general merry-making. It was a moving ceremony and the hallmarks of the entire event was its smallness (just 40 guests), simplicity, informality and spontaniety.

Holly & Keith with their families

You can see more pictures and a several videos of the wedding on Holly's photo gallery.

Check out George's speech/toast at the ceremony.

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